We invite original, unpublished contributions related to the conference themes. Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically to the following email addresses:submitpaper.icetsm@gmail.com , icetsm.editor@gmail.com
The paper should be in the format strictly as per the Paper Template given below. The papers should be drafted in English with a maximum of Eight (8) pages and minimum of 4 pages including figures, tables and references.Paper Template
Paper submission Deadline
july 20th,2024
Paper acceptance notification
July 22nd,2024
Camera-ready paper submission
July 25th,2024
Last date of registration
july 31st,2024
Advisory Board Members
Prof.Alexandru-Mircea Nedelea
Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
Prof (Dr.) Pastor R. Arguelles Jr.
Dean, College of Computer Studies (CCS) University of the Perpetual Help – Molino Campus Cavite, Philippines
Dr. Dileep A. D
Associate Professor and Head Department of CSE (IIT Dharwad),Karnataka, India
ICETSM covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: